

Total number of Record(s): 3282
Name of Technology Developing Agency
Bio-adhesive for Tissue Approximation CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute, (CLRI) Tamil Nadu
Bio-Aviation Fuels CSIR-Indian Institute of Pertroleum (IIP), Uttarakhand
Bio-fertiliser cum Bio-fungicides B5
Bio-Heap Leaching of Low Grade Copper from Lean Sulphide Ore Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) - Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT)
Bio-inoculants Indian Institute of Soil Sciences (IISS), Bhopal
Bio-intensive management of Brinjal fruit and shoot borer Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bengaluru
Bio-intensive management of fruit borer complex of litchi National Research Centre on Litchi (NRCL), Muzaffarpur, Bihar, 842002
Bio-methanation of Coal Washery Effluent and Biomass Blend CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research (CIMFR), Jharkhand
Bio-presevation of RTE Sugarcane Chunks CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Bio-Seedling Pots from Organic Fraction of Solid Waste ECOLIN VENTURES
