Title: | Anti-Tarnishing Lacquer for Silver and Copper-based Alloys |
Area: | Chemical Sciences, Material Sciences |
Sub Area: | Chemical technology |
Focus Area: | Metallurgy |
Developing Agency: | CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML), Jamshedpur |
Technology Readiness Index: | Market launch |
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Brief Description
Description : | This one component acrylic resin lacquer is nontoxic (Lead and Cadmium free) when dry. The lacquer can be applied by spraying, brushing, or dipping and takes 10 minutes to dry. Post treatment like baking not required. The coating passes 500 hours of salt spray test (ASTM B 117) and 72 hours of flower of sulfur test (ASTM B 809). The product contains organic solvents/VOC. No liquid waste or gas emission during lacquer production. |