

Total number of Record(s): 3282
Name of Technology Developing Agency
Fitknees - a sensor based system for prevention and monitoring the progress of athletes with lower body injuries Ashva Wearable Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Karnataka
Five (05) modules of Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Disposal System CSIR- Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), West Bengal
Five axis CNC micro-milling machine CSIR - Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI)
Five Axis Micro Milling Machine CSIR- Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), West Bengal
Flaked Jowar Rte Low Fat Sweet & Savoury Snacks CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Flaking Foxtail Millet CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Flaking Foxtail Millet CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Flaking of Ragi CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Flame Retardant (FR) Anti G Suit Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore
Flame Retardant (FR) Gloves Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore
