Title: | Electrostatic Dust Mitigation and Smog Control Device |
Area: | Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences, Physical Sciences |
Focus Area: | Industrial sanitization and disinfection |
Patent: | US10661288 |
Social Benefits: | Charged droplets are more effective in suppressing dust particles , Globally competitive, at par with international standards , Cost-effective solution with higher efficiency , Mobilization is very easy , Easily mounted on a trolley or moving vehicles , Produces fine spray droplets , Anti-corrosion resistance cannon material , Less amount of water is required , Low power consumption , Low maintenance |
Developing Agency: | CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO), Chandigarh |
Technology Readiness Index: | Technology Integrated |
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Brief Description
Description : | Coal mines . Paper industry . Cement industry . Misting in rural area . Thermal power-plants . Hotels and restaurants . Stone crushing industry . Clay and brick manufacturing . General pollution / Airborne dust . Industrial sanitization and disinfection |