
Chemical Sciences, Material Sciences

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Know-How for Preparation of Hydrogen Standard (CRM) in Steel


Chemical Sciences, Material Sciences

Focus Area:

Preparation of Hydrogen Standard

Social Benefits:

Indigenous development of Certified Reference Material (CRM) for gases (Hydrogen) in steels as an import substitution (Make in India) 50% reduced cost than imported product, An effort for self-reliant CSIR

Developing Agency:

CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML), Jharkhand

Technology Readiness Index:

Market Launch

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Brief Description

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Description :

Availability of certified reference material (CRM) for determination of hydrogen in steel by hot fusion technique is cumbersome in terms of both cost and time, as it an import product to India. CSIR-NML has been intensively working for last five years and successfully developed an indigenous hydrogen standard (CRM) in steel under 4M theme projects (FTT 31 02, FTC 31 04 and OLP 370). The uncertainty in the developed product has been protected better than the market available product by adopting suitable technique during the standard sample preparation process. Salient technical features are as follows: Cautious selection of raw material considering the metallurgical aspects Improved uncertainty and stability . Controlled heat treatment practice to achieve desired hydrogen level . Ni coating to improve the luster as well as the shelf life . Product developed as per ISO Guide 17034: 2016 . 15 numbers of lab participated in the round-robin/inter-lab (RRT) test

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