
Engineering Sciences


Mobile applications and web panels using Map, Location, and Bluetooth


Computer Sciences and Information Technology, COVID-19 Technology, Engineering Sciences, Startup Technologies

Sub Area:


Focus Area:

Mobile Application

Developing Agency:

Techgropse Pvt Ltd, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh

Technology Readiness Index:

Technology developed

Website Link :

Brief Description

Description :

Mobile applications and web panels using Map, Location, and Bluetooth solving the problem to officials who can easily manage the quarantine and isolated people and suspects. The data can be shown on a map and can send alerts to aware people to stay away from that area. The technology was evaluated by COVID-19 comprising of Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, Department of Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology, AGNIi, Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser, and AIM- NITI Aayog.

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