Title: | Ragi Malt-Enzyme Rich |
Area: | Agricultural Sciences, Life Sciences & Biotechnology |
Focus Area: | Malted Ragi |
Social Benefits: | This mix can find a ready market with specialty foods including babies. The baby food market in India is valued at Rs. 150 billion and more than 25% is of baby cereals. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 11%. The cost of malted ragi flour being less, it can also aid in better market penetration and expand the market. |
Developing Agency: | CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Karnataka |
Technology Readiness Index: | Technology Integrated |
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Brief Description
Description : | Malted ragi flour can be used in the preparation of weaning food, infant food, geriatric food, medical foods and also as milk based as well as alcoholic beverage formulations. It can be used as amylase rich food (ARF) to reduce the 'dietary bulk' of energy food and like other supplementary foods. |