

चिकित्सा विज्ञान

Medical sciences encompass Medical Biotechnology, Medical Biochemistry, Health &Climate Change, Food & Nutrition, Medical Instrumentation, Bio statistics, Medical Microbiology, Nanotechnology, Toxicology, Medical Genetics and so on. 

Total number of Record(s): 443
Name of Technology Developing Agency
Arogyaa Path – Healthcare Supply Chain Solution Central Road Research Institute (CSIR-CRRI), New Delhi
ATOM: Accurate TeleECG On Mobile Cardea Biomedical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Aum Voice Prosthesis Innaumation Medical Devices Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru, Karnataka
AUM voice prosthesis Innaumation Medical Devices LLP, Bangalore
Auticare: XR-AI based Assistive Technology Learning Platform for Autism Spectrum Disorder and other neurodevelopmental disorder Embright Infotech Private Limited, Karnataka
AutoCEPH (Software for 2-D computerized cephalometric analysis CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO)
AutoCEPH (Software for 2-D Computerized Cephalometric Analysis) CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO), Chandigarh
Automated sickle cell disease screening and data sharing at point of care for inclusive implementation of digital health initiative Chrogene Aarogyam Biotech Private Limited, Hyderabad.
AyurDoc - Personalized digital health & wellness solutions Ayur.Ai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
