

Total number of Record(s): 3282
Name of Technology Developing Agency
Mini Climbing Crane National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Govt. of India
Mini Dhal Mill CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Mini Distillation Unit Herbostill CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (IHBT), Himachal Pradesh
Mini Laminar Flow Unit Steriflow CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (IHBT), Himachal Pradesh
Mini Versatile Dhal Mill CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Karnataka
Minimally invasive device kit solving Pelvic Floor Disorder problems like Stress and Urge Urinary Incontinence. Axolotl Health Private Limited company, Hyderabad, Telengana
Minimally processed onion Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bengaluru
Minimally processed ready-to-eat (RTE) apple slices Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, Maharashtra
Minimally processed Vegetables CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Minimizing Post-Harvest Losses and Optimizing Fatty Acid Content in Avocado Products: Developing Nutri-Bars and Ready-to-Drink Powders Nutation Organics Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, Karnataka
