
Medical Sciences

Title :

Gender and mental health in Assam: A study on magnitude, cause and impact of mental illness on women

Area of research :

Medical Sciences

Focus area :

Maternal Health

Principal Investigator :

Dr. Kedilezo Kikhi, Professor, Department of Sociology, Tezpur University (TEZU), Assam

Timeline Start Year :


Timeline End Year :


Contact info :


Executive Summary :

Gender casts a pervasive influence on many aspects of life, including access to resources, methods of coping with stress, mode of interaction with others, self-evaluation, spirituality, and expectations of others. Gender determines the differential power and control men and women have their social position, status, treatment in society and their susceptibility and exposure to specific mental health risks. Pressures created by their multiple roles, gender discrimination and associated factors of poverty, hunger, malnutrition; domestic violence and sexual abuse combine to account for women's poor mental health. Most sociologists accept that female roles are relatively restrictive and oppressive, and they tend to keep their frustration and anger to themselves. Hence women are more likely victims of depression and anxiety. North East India is the most neglected area in terms of health sector. As per the data from the National Survey of Mental Health Resources conducted by the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family welfare, Govt. of India in 2002, which was published as an Annual Report (2008-2009) of LGBRIMH, Tezpur, the total population of North East region was approximately 40 million and out of these about 3, 85,000 people were estimated to suffer from major mental illness while about 19, 25,000 were estimated to have minor mental disorder. This study explores the relation between socio-cultural factors and mental illness prevalent among women, with particular reference to the women of Assam.


Ms. Nandarani Choudhury, Tezpur University (TEZU), Assam

Organizations involved