
Engineering Sciences


Hot Air Popping Machine


Engineering Sciences

Focus Area:

Food Industry



Company Transferred:


Developing Agency:

CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute

Website Link :

Brief Description

Description :

It is a dedicated pilot-unit for popping of maize, paddy, jowar and rice. The system is versatile, compact, rugged and economical. The process parameters of popping can easily be varied to suit different products. The process parameters like feed rare popping temperature; velocity of air can be varied easily and quickly. The product obtained is hygienic and free from sand, saw dust and ash. LPG is used as a source of heat energy and the product of combustion is eco-friendly i.e., H2O and CO2. The hot air is re-circulated in order to have higher thermal efficiency, and also to reduce the cost of processing. Presently popping is done in batches involving human drudgery and unhygienic practices. The cost of the unit is estimated at Rs.35,000 (Rupees Thirty Five Thousands only)

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