Industrial Innovations

A Process and Design to Reduce Pollution Load in Waste Waters of Cassava Starch / Sago Factories

The low cost effluent treatment system was designed to reduce the pollution load of the liquid effluent from cassava starch industries, thereby enabling its recycling for factory operations, biogas generation, aquaculture, irrigation etc. Description/Features of the Equipment/technology/variety/process, etc. developed along with one good coloured photograph (Maximum100 words): A low cost waste water (effluent) treatment system capable of reducing BOD, COD and cyanogen content of cassava starch factory effluents, was developed, consisting of (i) anaerobic treatment followed by filtration through sand and gravel column and (ii) final aerobic treatment.

Area: Life Sciences & Biotechnology

Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India

Implementing institute: National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), Govt. of India

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