


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
Study of root hair specific MATE tranporters to engineer low phosphate and acid soil tolerance in plants Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences 2016
Resistance to cucumber mosaic virus infection using intracellular antibody capture technology Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Investigation of the modulation of transceiptional regulation of CAM7 by COP1 and Ca++/Mg++ during Arbidopsis seedling development Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Nitrogen Management to mitigate N2O emission in rice wheat cropping system Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences 2016
Investigation of the molecular mechanism of MKK3-MPK6-MYC2 module in Arbiodopsis seedling development Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences 2016
Investigation of the molecular mechanism of MKK3-MPK6-MYC2 module in Arbiodopsis seedling development Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences 2016
Alien introgression of yellow vein mossaic virus (YVMV) resistance genes in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) through embryo rescue technique Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Managing Ganoderma lucidum induced root rot in Indian Mesquite (Khejri) by bio control agents residues and residue based compost in Indian arid region Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Understanding the morphological evolution and ecological diversification of the forest dwelling capers in Indian subcontinent using molecular phylogenetic tools Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Taxonomic characterization and conservation assessment of Ephedra in India Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
