


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
Screenining and pre-clinical evaluation of compounds of pomegranate in Antagonizing endogenous SERM-27 Hydoxycholesterol in breast cancer Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Medical Sciences 2016
Phenyloxazoline synthetase inhibitiors as antitubercular agents (POSIAA) Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
To understand the role of autophagic lysososmal pathway in the pathogenesis of pterygium Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Deciphering the role of surfactant protein D in protecting male fertility during infection and inflammation Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
3D Cancer tissue growth on graphene sponges for cancer drug therapy Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Medical Sciences 2016
Preventing degradation of resindentin bonds by therapeutic effect of combination of Calcium silicates and Caesin phosphopeptide Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Chemical Sciences 2016
Deciphering the role of DNA polymerase delta dependent mutagenesis induced morphogenesis, multidrug resistance and pathogenicity of a fungal pathogen C. albicans Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Next generation seqencing for characterization and validation of culture negative endophthalmitis Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
fMRI & ERP evidence for imporvement in Audio visula integration in individuals with ANSD post speech reading training Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Mechanism of vitamin D action on spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis in D-galactose induced aged rat model Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
