


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
Sustainable development of Uttarakhand through non-conventional energy sources Other Areas 2016 2016
Measurements and modeling of cloud condensation nuclie (CCN) in Indian continental and marine air Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences 2014 2017
Aligned Carbon Nanotubes as Porous Materials for selective Carbon-Dioxide Adsorption and Desorption: Effect of Pressure and Charge Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences 2014 2017
Study of Atmospheric Aerosols over NCR using Chemical Transport  Model by Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences 2015 2018
Spatial Modelling of land use dynamics and its impact on fluxes and Eco system services in Eastern Ghats, India in present and future climate scenario Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences 2015 2018
Quantification of physical and chemical flux of discharging ground water to sea in coastal areas of the Bay of Bengal Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences 2015 2018
Modelling of soil moisture in a changing climate using the potential of probabilistic hydro-meteorological approach Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences 2014 2017
Establishing the reference condition on the Ganga River with Corona archival imagery Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences 2014 2017
Seasonal Hydrologic Predictions based on Regional Forecasts of Monsoon Rainfall with CWRF and Statistical Downscaling Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences 2014 2017
Near Real Time Urban Flood Forecasting System Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences 2014 2017
