Institute: Punjab University, Chandigarh
Area: Physical Sciences
Types of Facilities: Research
Make Model: Bruker Avance II
Major Specifications/Accessories available: Operating frequency: 400 MHz, 5 mm multinuclear BBI probe with ATM, 5 mm
1H and 13C inverse probe, Auto sample changer with handling capacity of 60 samples, Variable temperature accessory
Type of measurement/Analysis Available: 1D Spectra-normal for 1H, 13C, 31P, 119Sn, 27Al, 23Na, 11B, 59Co;
Homo-nuclear decoupling (proton); Hetro-nuclear gated decoupling;
Hetro-nuclear inverse decoupling; NOE experiments;
2D spectroscopy with gradients (COSY, NOESY, HMQC, HMBC, OESY,
TOCSY, C-H correlation experiments); Editing spectroscopy-DEPT 45, DEPT 90, DEPT135; Gated and inverse gated decoupling experiments; 1H water suppression; Variable temperature studies.