NEHU, Shillong

NEHU, Shillong

Type of facility: 
Name of the Facility: 
Transmission Electron Microscope
Make Model: 
Jeol JEM 2100
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Study of ultra-structures of biological samples; Characterization of nano particles, determination of crystal shape, angles and orientation, crystal- defect, electron diffraction studies etc.; High resolution digital micrographs on CD.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Resolution: 1.4Å (Lattice) to 1.9 Å(point to point) Accelerating Voltage: 60-200 KV in 50 V steps. Tilt: ± 25o Magnification: With standard specimen gives x50 to 1,500,000. High Resolution Gatan CCD Camera (2.672x2.672K). Ultramicrotome