Grassroot Innovations

Pole Climber

Details: Rao found it difficult to climb electric poles made of cement. Therefore in 2016, he began designing a device to aid in climbing up the electric poles of all types. He successfully developed a prototype after many trials and modifications. He used the developed pole climber himself initially for climbing the electric pole, to instil confidence in others. The pole climber is made of a 16 mm steel rod, shaped into a square and bent suitably. Two such pieces are used in tandem by the climber. He has fixed leather sandals on this bent frame. The climber simply shoves his feet into the sandals and climbs the electric pole using this innovation as one climbs a staircase. It is easy to learn and provides comfort in climbing which otherwise is a difficult operation. It is safe, as each climber is tested for 150 kg weight. One can sit on it and work with both hands.

Innovator: Nannem Tirupathi Rao, Prakasham, Andhra Pradesh

State: Prakasham, Andhra Pradesh

Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India

Implementing institute: National Innovation Foundation India (NIF),

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