Grassroot Innovations

Soil Clod Crusher

Details: This device is an individual unit fitted behind a cultivator. The cultivator stirs and pulverizes the soil before planting to aerate the soil and prepare a smooth, loose seedbed. After planting, the cultivator is used to kill the weeds. The clod crusher acts in two ways (i) breaks the soil clods and (ii) buries the uprooted weeds into the soil for mulching. The length of the clod crusher is a foot more than that of the cultivator to provide a better coverage area. - The machine covers 0.325 ha consuming 3.5 litres of diesel per hour.

Innovator: Suchil Teron, Kamrup, Assam

State: Kamrup, Assam

Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India

Implementing institute: National Innovation Foundation India (NIF),


The Soil Clod Crusher refines seedbeds by breaking clods and buries weeds for mulching, leading to better planting success, improved weed control, and efficient coverage with low fuel use.

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