Grassroot Innovations

Tractor operated soil scrapper and lifter

Details: Uneven agricultural land is difficult to sow. Sometimes it also becomes important to remove extra soil, which may have deposited on the surface after rains. Kuldeep Singh has developed a machine, which could not only scrap soil and level the land but also fill tractor trailers with the scrapped soil. The machine can fit in any tractor of 50 hp and above. While using this machine, the tractor consumes about five to six liters of diesel in an hour. The machine has cutting width of 4 ft and soil/sand is dropped from a height of 8.5 ft height. It seems to have great potential in some regions where soil has to be scrapped for lifting canal water as well as in construction of roads, house etc. On an average, the machine can level 1 bigha of land (5/8 acre) in a day by removing about 150 trailers of sand.

Innovator: Kuldeep Singh, Mansa, Punjab

State: Mansa, Punjab

Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India

Implementing institute: National Innovation Foundation India (NIF),


This machine is a time-saving and cost-effective tool for farmers and construction workers, promoting efficient land management and soil transportation.

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