Industrial Innovations
Protein energy malnutrition is a major and common nutritional problem affecting young children particularly of low income grouping rural areas of Haryana with Low weight, wasting of muscle, poor growth, stunting, poor appetite, frequent infections, lack of interest, anemia. Therefore, adequate nutrition during infancy and early childhood, a period of rapid growth and crucial for laying lifetime foundation is of utmost importance for all round physical, mental, social and emotional development. The timely supplementation may be beneficial to onset of diarrhoea episodes, which are major determinants of infant growth and nutrition. Cheap nutritious weaning foods are prepared from easily locally available following foodstuff: I. Liquid supplement: e.g. milk, tea, fruit juice, buttermilk, dhal water, rice water, curds, tomato soup. II. Semi-solid supplements: e.g. suji kheer, atta halwa, sago kheer, wheat dalia, mashed and cooked vegetable (pumpkin, toria, potato etc.). III. Solid supplements: e.g. carrot, apple, radish, cucumber, sugar beet, cake, groundnut chikki, biscuits, boiled rice, chapatti, mashed vegetable, khichri, dalia, rice kheer, cooked and boiled dhal, boiled egg, boiled potatoes, cooked and mashed meat and fish,