Industrial Innovations

Waste Heat Recovery in Industrial Utilities

The novel method for waste heat recovery from industrial utilities like chillers and air compressors has been innovated with focus on designing and building high efficiency heat exchangers coupled with a data acquisition and analysis mechanism.

Area: Energy Sciences

Innovator: K.P. Ashwin, Head-Energy Efficiency, Promethean Energy Pvt Ltd.,

Funding agency: Ministry of Micro, Small Medium Enterprises (MSME), Govt of India

Benefits: Unique design that ensures reliable and safe operation of systems with very high efficiencies. Heat exchanger design and unique business models are of competitive advantage. In air compressors, 70% of the motor power can be recovered as useful heat and in chillers, around 15% of the rejected heat can be recovered.

Implementing institute: Promethean Energy Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai

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