AP002798: A process for the production of shelf-stable improved flour from sorghum and pearl millet
The invention relates to products obtained from the grains of sorghum and pearl millet grains having an enhanced shelf life with the retention of nutritive germ. The present invention also relates to a process for its production.
Filing Date: 27-03-2002
Issue Date: 18-11-2013
Applicant: CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Mysuru
Patent No: AP002798
Application No: AP/P/2002/02451
Inventor(s): Manchanahalli Sh. Meera, Syed Z. Ali, Hampapura V. Narasimha, Mandayam K. Bhashyam, Anathachar Srinivas, Baragi V. Rao