
Device for sealing inside an upward drilled borehole for high pressure water injection in underground mines

Device for sealing inside an upward drilled borehole for high pressure water injection in underground mines which comprises an externally threaded injection pipe (1) , characterized in that the said pipe (1) having an end flange (2) welded onto the said injection pipe (1) at the injection end top, the said injection pipe being provided at the flange end with a plurality of externally mounted expandable flexible rings (3) of circular cross section, the said rings (3) being held in position by a steel gasket (4) and a peripherally slotted locking nut (5) fitted to the said pipe (1), the said externally threaded injection pipe(1) being provided at the bottom end portion with an internally threaded retreating tapered nut (11) having a sealing ring (10) and a concentric flange (6) being provided with at least four threaded ground studs (8) and nuts (9).

Filing Date: 16-08-2001

Issue Date: 25-07-2008

Patent No: IN220660 [India]

Application No: 855/DEL/2001

Inventor(s): Gautam Banerjee; Anil Kumar Ray; Keshar Prasad Yadava; Gauri Shankar Prasad Singh; Rajeshwar Prasad

Licensing Option: Laboratory willing to jointly develop technology with industrial partner.

Implementing institute: CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research [CSIR-CIMFR]

Funding agency: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

IPC Classification: E21B33/00

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