
GB2986605: Rohitukine analogs as cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors and a process for the preparation thereof

Filing Date: 15-10-2014

Issue Date: 17-11-2015

Applicant: CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (CSIR-IIIM), Jammu

Patent No: GB2986605

Application No: 14734915

Inventor(s): Vishwakarma Ram Asrey; Bharate Sandip Bibishan; Bhushan Shashi; Mondhe Dilip Manikrao; Jain Shreyans Kumar; Meena Samdarshi; Guru Santosh Kumar; Pathania Anup Singh; Kumar Suresh; Behl Akanksha; Mintoo Mubashir Javed; Bharate Sonali Sandip; Joshi Prashant

Country: United Kingdom

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