
IL222445: Production of potable water from highly saline sub-soil brine in salt works using exhaust waste heat form diesel engine employed round the clock during the salt manufacturing season to charge the salt pans with sub-soil brine

Filing Date: 15-10-2012

Issue Date: 01-05-2014

Applicant: CSIR-Central Salt Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI), Bhavnagar

Patent No: IL222445

Application No: 222445

Inventor(s): Ghosh Pushpito Kumar; Desale Girish Rajanikant; Khatri Bhavin Hasmukhlal; Patel Rajeshkumar Naranbhai; Sanatkumar Natavarlal Patel; Gajjar Mahesh Ramjibhai; Borle Niitin Ganesh

Country: Israel

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