
IN224736: A process for the stabilization of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline

The invention relates to 'A process for stabilization of 2-acetyl-l-pyrroline'. The compound is the principal aroma component of basmati and other varieties of scented rice and also of processed cereal and grain products. Synthesising 2-acetyl-l-pyrroline by a known method, incorporating the flavor in a binding material like a gum or starch from a vegetable source in water emulsion using an emulsifier followed by drying the mixture by either vacuum shelf drying at temperatures of 30-60 ºC or spray drying at inlet air temp. 140 ºC, outlet temp. 80 ºC and a feed rate of 80 ml/min and obtaining the flavor in an easily dispersible dry powder form for flavoring rice and related products

Filing Date: 17-03-2003

Issue Date: 22-10-2008

Applicant: CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Mysuru

Patent No: IN224736

Application No: 0308DEL2003

Inventor(s): Srinivas P, Sulochanamma G, Raghavan B, Gurudutt KN

IPC Classification: A23L 1/226

Country: India

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