
IN232015: A Process For Preparation Of Optically Enriched (-)-(2s,4r) Rose Oxide And Its Isomer (+)-(2r, 4s) Rose Oxide From Recemic Citronellol

The invention relates to a process for the preparation of optically enriched (-)-(2 S, 4 R)-rose oxide and its isomer (+)-(2 R, 4 S)-rose oxide from racemic citronellol. said process comprising cohalogenating racemic citronellol with a halogenation reagent in anhydrous alcohol to obtain an alkoxy halide, dehydrohalogenating the alkoxy halide to obtain the corresponding 3-octenol derivative, acylating the alcoholic function of the 3 octanol derivative with an acylating agent in presence of a base to give the corresponding acylate, subjecting the acylate so obtained to kinetic resolution using a biocatalyst or an enzyme, separating the mixture of reaction products comprising of optically enriched hydrolysed alcohol and unhydrolysed acylate derivatives, hydrolysing the optically enriched acylate with a base to furnish optically enriched primary alcohol and cyclised the alcohol so obtained with an acid catalyst to produce dextrorotatory (2R, 4S)-rosc oxide, the optically enriched hydrolysed alcohol being directly cyclised with an acid catalyst to produce laevorotatoty (2R,4S)- rose oxide.

Filing Date: 13-08-2004

Issue Date: 14-03-2009

Applicant: CSIR – Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (CSIR-IIIM), Jammu

Patent No: IN232015

Application No: 02373DELNP2004

Inventor(s): Taneja Subhash Chandra, Sethi Vijay Kumar, Koul Surinder, Andotra Samar Singh, Qazi Nabi Qazi

IPC Classification: C12P 41/00

Country: India

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