
IN239576: A process for the preparation of honey based fruit spreads

The invention relates to a process for the preparation of honey-based fruit spreads. The honey-based fruit spread prepared by this process will certainly have good market potential at the national and international levels. These exotic spreads can find extensive utilization in sandwiches, chapathi, dosa or similar breakfast foods to make them more appealing and appetizing. Honey spread is prepared by partial replacement of sugar with honey along with the addition of other ingredients such as citric acid, pectin and benzoic acid to fruit pulp, followed by thermal treatment. The high osmotic pressure in the product creates unfavorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of most species of microorganisms like yeast, mold and bacteria responsible for food spoilage.

Filing Date: 16-03-2004

Issue Date: 25-03-2010

Applicant: CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Mysuru

Patent No: IN239576

Application No: 0466DEL2004

Inventor(s): Navin Kumar Rastogi, Attar Singh Chauhan, Mysore Narayana Rekha, Maya Prakash, Hangalore Umesh Hebbar, Rangaswamy Subramanian

IPC Classification: A23L 1/08

Country: India

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