
IN244579: A process for the production of rice husk ash nodules useful as heat insulating material

In the invention, a process has been developed to manufacture rice husk ash nodules useful as heat-insulating material. In the process, surface active agents and binders have been used to modify the behaviour of green nodules during nodulizing and subsequent improvement in plasticity, workability, wetting and green strength. A schedule of air and oven drying has been followed to get the final product. The product obtained from the invention possesses lower bulk density (0.72 - 0.75 gm/cc), higher apparent porosity (58-60%) and a workable crushing strength ( 15-25 Kg/cm2) which are the prime requirement of using as a heat insulating material. The developed rice husk ash nodule product can be directly used in pre-fired state over molten metal in iron and steel industries for insulating purposes.

Filing Date: 30-01-2002

Issue Date: 10-12-2010

Applicant: CSIR–Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute (CSIR–CGRI), Kolkata

Patent No: IN244579

Application No: 0062DEL2002

Inventor(s): Das SK, Mondal PK

IPC Classification: F16L59/00

Country: India

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