
An process for the preparation of high grade synthetic rutile from ilmenites with pig iron as a by-product

An improved process for the preparation of high grade synthetic retile from limonite with pig iron as a by-product, the said process comprising, subjecting limonite to reduction with 30-100% coal (w/w) at a temperature for a period of 2-6 hours, cooling and removing unreacted coal to obtain a product having 80-95% metallisation; smelting the metallised ilmenite mixed with less than 10% carbon (w/w) in a transferred arc plasma using arc current in the range of 100-400 amps, are voltage of 20-60 V under flow of inert gas at a range of 0 -2 litre/minute for a fixed time in the range 1-5 minutes; separating the metal as pig iron and TiO2 as slag; grinding the slag followed by oxidation in a temperature range of 500-1000°C in the presence of an oxidizing gas for 25-30 minutes, followed by leaching the oxidized product with dilute HCl at temperatures below 90°C for a period of 1-6 hours followed by filtration, washing and drying to obtain synthetic rutile

Filing Date: 28-03-2000

Issue Date: 30-05-2008

Patent No: IN218313 [India]

Application No: 330/DEL/2000

Inventor(s): Pawvathu Narayanan Nair Mohan Das; Karval Harikrishna Bhat; Melay Eriyat Kochu Janaki; Sreedharan Sasibhushanan; Parthasarathi Mukherjee; Bishnu Charan Rabindha Mohanty; Hem Shanker Ray

Licensing Option: Laboratory willing to jointly develop technology with industrial partner.

Implementing institute: CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology [CSIR-NIIST]

Funding agency: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

IPC Classification: C22B34/12

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