The present invention relates to a process for the preparation or reprocessable, reusable and revulcanizable rubber compositions from waste/used and virgin rubber Vulcani/ates. The present invention particularly relatres to a processes for the preparation of reprocessable, revulcanizable and reusable rubber compositions from waste/used and virgin rubber vulcanizates by modification with oligomeric resins of renewable natural resources. The novelty of our invention is that either waste/used tire tread rubber or virgin rubber on mixing with 5 to 10% of oligomers such as PCNSL at 160-180°C in a Brabender Plasticorder at a rotor speed of 20-40 rpm for 20-60 min gives compostions which are easily processable and revulcanizsable with conventional curatives at 140 -160°C at cure time ranging from 5-20 minutes.