
US10262764: Advanced non-toxic red mud based nano gel type functional radiation shielding materials and the process thereof

The conventional radiation shielding materials are made using lead, barite and hematite ore which are either toxic, costly and non-replinshable possessing limited functionality. In view of above, a novel process for making advanced non-toxic Red Mud based functional radiation shielding materials utilising appropriate novel matrixes like Advanced geopolymer, geopolymeric-polymeric matrix, putty, cement and phosphatic based matrix and are also compatible with conventional matrixes are developed. The appropriate physico-chemical consolidation and or densification of red mud using advanced or conventional matrix helps in obtaining functional radiation shielding material by simultaneous and synergistic chemical reactions among various mineralogical and chemical compounds of red mud with complementary various chemical compounds present in citrus fruit peel waste especially citric acid to form nano gel material to obtain the fine tailored shielding powder. The developed material has broad application spectrum from diagnostic radiation installations like diagnostic X-ray to CT scanner room.

Filing Date: 27-10-2017

Issue Date: 16-04-2019

Applicant: CSIR-Advanced Materials and Process Research Institute (CSIR-AMPRI), Bhopal

Patent No: US10262764

Application No: 15/795968

Inventor(s): Amritphale Sudhir Sitaram, Verma Sarika, Das Satyabrata

IPC Classification: G21F 1/02, G21F 1/10

Country: United States of America

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