
US10941096: A process for the preparation of natural crystallized thymol from monarda citriodora (jammu monarda) oil

The invention provides an efficient process for the isolation of natural crystallized thymol product derived from crude natural Monarda Citriodora (Jammu Monarda) oil useful for incorporation into foods and beverages in amounts due to strong antimicrobial, antibacterial, antioxidant properties as well as for use as a preservative. The recovery of crystallized thymol product obtained is more than 72% from Hexane-Jammu Monarda oil in a ratio 1:1 under specific conditions. A method for preparing natural thymol in crystal form involves providing crude Jammu Monarda oil in a Flask and gradually reducing the temperature of the flask containing Monarda oil:Hexane in a step-wise manner, thereby producing highly pure crystals (?95.5%) within 48 h. The methods disclosed herein are suitable for pharmaceutical GMP.

Filing Date: 01-07-2020

Issue Date: 09-03-2021

Applicant: CSIR-Indian Institute Of Integrative Medicine (CSIR-IIIM), Jammu

Patent No: US10941096

Application No: 16/959615

Inventor(s): Shankar Ravi, Chandra Suresh, Meena Siya Ram, Verma Mahendra Kumar, Bindu Kushal, Vij Bhavna, Dheer Divya, Jyoti, Vishwakarma Ram Asrey

IPC Classification: C07C 37/84

Country: United States of America

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