
US7518012: Process for the preparation of dialkyl carbonate

The invention provides a process for the preparation of dialkyl carbonates of general formula (1) wherein R=alkyl (C1-C8) or C6H5CH2. The said process comprises a reaction between cyclic carbonate and alcohol, in the presence of a solid, double metal cyanide complex catalyst, at a temperature in the range of 140-180 0C., for a period of 4-10 hrs, followed by the separation of catalyst from the above said reaction mixture by known methods to obtain the desired product.

Filing Date: 30-03-2006

Issue Date: 14-04-2009

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: US7518012

Application No: 11/394136

Inventor(s): Darbha Srinivas; Rajendra Srivastava; Paul Ratnasamy

IPC Classification: C07C 69/96

Country: United States of America

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