
Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP)

An Indian company, whether small, medium, or large with a DSIR-recognised in-house R&D unit, is eligible under this scheme. Also, a joint association of an Indian company and national R&D organisations and institutions; as well as a group of Indian companies along with national research organisations are eligible.

Funding Agency: Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt of India

Area(s): Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Medical Sciences

Financial Incentives: The eligible stakeholders are provided support for high-risk, accelerated technology development especially in futuristic technologies. Support is also provided for companies working in very high-risk, nationally- and socially-relevant areas, with no assured market. It provides for product evaluation and validation through support for limited and large-scale field trial for agriculture products and clinical trials (Phase I, II, III) for health care products and also supports research project for novel IP generation.

Time Period: There are three calls for proposals in a year: February 15?March 31, June 15?July 31 and October 15?November 30.

Institution(s) involved: Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)

Overview: The scheme is a government partnership with industries for support on a cost-sharing basis for path-breaking research in frontier futuristic technology areas having major economic potential and making the Indian industry globally competitive. It is focussed on IP creation with ownership retained by Indian industry and, wherever relevant, by collaborating scientists.