Scheme supports idea at Proof of Concept stage. Other criteria for support include
a. Biotechnology Indian startups should be incorporated under the Indian Companies Act and have a minimum of 51% Indian Ownership. Plus, they should be less than three years old as on the date of advertisement/ Indian entrepreneurs (Indian citizen willing to form a Company as per Indian Law).
b. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) should be incorporated under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. Plus, it should be less than three years old as on the date of advertisement, having a minimum half of the persons who subscribed their names to the LLP document as its Partners should be Indian citizens.
c. Indian academic scientists, researchers, PhDs, medical degree holders, biomedical engineering graduates (who must be willing to incubate in a business incubator).
d. >Proprietorship concern established by an Indian citizen and a Certificate/license should be issued by the municipal authorities/under the Shop & Establishment Act /under other relevant statutes.
e. No DSIR certification is required.