
Atmosphere & Environment Sciences, Earth

Title :

Geo-Innovate for a Sustainable Nation Addressing Crucial Ecosystem Challenges

Area of research :

Atmosphere & Environment Sciences, Earth

Focus area :

Ecosystem Mapping and Monitoring

Principal Investigator :

Dr. Shoba Periasamy, Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu (600025)

Timeline Start Year :


Timeline End Year :


Contact info :


Executive Summary :

The proposed geo-innovation challenge program aims to encourage and nurture innovation in geospatial solutions for optimizing ecosystem services, fostering national sustainability, and resilience. Geospatial technology is increasingly used to evaluate and manage ecosystem services, providing insights into their functioning, value, and vulnerability. The program will focus on addressing global challenges in climate, agriculture, soil, water, urban heat islands, and natural disasters. The main theme is "Geo-Innovate for a Sustainable Nation Addressing Crucial Ecosystem Challenges." Subthemes include location-based service, biomass changes, coal fire impacts, AI, ML, and DL approaches, urban heat island management, climate resilience, IoT, precision agriculture, agricultural soil conservation, high-resolution satellite imagery, and disaster management. The program will involve online orientation sessions, shortlisting, and awarding participants. The program aims to identify cutting-edge geospatial ideas for optimizing ecosystem services and fostering sustainable development goals.

Total Budget (INR):


Organizations involved