Title : | Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Materials |
Area of research : | Physical Sciences |
Focus area : | Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science |
Principal Investigator : | Prof. P S Anil Kumar, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, Karnataka (560012), Prof. Biju Raja Sekhar, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, Odisha (751005), Prof. Umesh V Waghmare, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, Karnataka (560064) |
Timeline Start Year : | 2023 |
Timeline End Year : | 2028 |
Contact info : |,, |
Total Budget (INR): | 9,90,29,409 |
Achievements : | -Production of ultrashort laser pulses and optical components for THz experiments. -Replacement system for existing femtosecond oscillator, amplifier and optical parameter amplifier (OPA) along with h ( Rs.30623000.00 ) , -Production of ultrashort laser pulses and optical components for THz experiments. -Replacement system for existing femtosecond oscillator, amplifier and optical parameter amplifier (OPA) along with h ( Rs.18045269.00 ) , -Production of ultrashort laser pulses and optical components for THz experiments. -Replacement system for existing femtosecond oscillator, amplifier and optical parameter amplifier (OPA) along with h ( Rs.0.00 ) , -Production of ultrashort laser pulses and optical components for THz experiments. -Replacement system for existing femtosecond oscillator, a |
Organizations involved
Implementing Agency : | Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, Karnataka Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, Odisha Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, Karnataka |
Funding Agency : | Department of Science and Technology (DST) |
Source : | Department of Science and Technology (DST) |