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Title : | Bio-assay guided fractionation and identification of active anthelmintic component(s) from Sarcochlamys pulcherrima Gaudich. (Urticaceae), a medicinal plant from North-East India |
Area of research : | Life Sciences & Biotechnology |
Focus area : | Pharmacology |
Principal Investigator : | Dr. Khirod Deori, Debraj Roy College, Golaghat, Assam |
Timeline Start Year : | 2024 |
Timeline End Year : | 2027 |
Contact info : | khirod[dot]deori[at]gmail[dot]com |
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Executive Summary : | Sarcochlamys pulcherrima is a small evergreen shrub with dark brown bark used in traditional medicines and vegetables by various tribal communities in Assam and other parts of Asia. In Upper Assam, the fresh leaves decoction of S. pulcherrima are used to treat intestinal worm infection by the Mising, Sonowal Kachari, and Deori tribes. However, there is limited scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness and safety of this plant. The present study aims to evaluate its anthelmintic efficacy using bio-assay guided fractionation and identification of active anthelmintic component(s) and its safety profile in suitable animal models. The objectives of the study include fractionating the methanolic crude extract of S. pulcherrima leaves using various organic solvents, identifying active fractions using suitable intestinal parasite models in vitro, isolating and identifying active component(s) responsible for anthelmintic activity, and evaluating the safety profile of identified active component(s) in a suitable animal model. The proposed study may lead to the discovery of novel anthelmintic component(s), provide a platform for developing new therapeutics in treating helminthic infections, contribute to filling the gap in global coverage of mass anthelmintic drug administration programs, and provide insight into the scientific rationale behind the common belief of local people and their perceived anthelmintic efficacy of this plant. |
Total Budget (INR): | 29,00,830 |
Organizations involved
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Implementing Agency : | Debraj Roy College, Golaghat, Assam |
Funding Agency : | ANRF/SERB |
Source : | Anusandhan National Research Foundation/Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST 2023-24 |