
Material Sciences

Title :

Development of low moment and high spin-polarized materials for non-volatile spintronic devices

Area of research :

Material Sciences

Focus area :

Spintronics and Magnetic Materials

Principal Investigator :

Dr. Sachin Gupta, Bennett University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Timeline Start Year :


Timeline End Year :


Contact info :


Executive Summary :

Spintronics is an emerging branch of electronics that combines a spin degree of freedom with a charge degree of electron, offering advantages such as non-volatility, high data processing speed, low power consumption, and high storage density. Currently, spintronics devices rely on ferromagnetic (FM) materials, which provide strong magneto-resistive effects. However, FM materials have physical limitations, such as large magnetic stray fields, making them impractical for high-density integration. Antiferromagnets (AFs) or fully compensated ferrimagnets (FCF) can be potential candidates for spintronics applications due to their zero or negligible moment and lack of magnetic stray fields. Half metallic fully compensated ferrimagnetic (HM-FCF) Heusler alloys can play a crucial role in future spintronic devices due to their tuneable electronic band structures. The development of spintronic technology relies on the growth of new materials and device fabrications. Exploring new materials in thin film forms is essential for device fabrication. The objective is to open up the route for spintronics based on low moment and high spin polarization materials, focusing on growing and characterizing thin film materials predicted to exhibit HM-FCF property in Heusler alloys and fabricating spintronic devices with new-concept operation schemes. The expected results from this project will have a significant impact on future high-performance spintronic devices with low energy consumption. Successful growth of HM-FCF thin films will have high spin polarization, nearly zero magnetic moments, and large magnetic transition temperature, making them promising candidates for implementation in junction devices like hard disc drivers and non-volatile magnetic memories.

Total Budget (INR):


Organizations involved