
Cognitive Sciences and Psychology

Title :

COVID-19 related stress, compassion fatigue, moral distress, and mental health: Testing a moderated-mediation model in healthcare workers in India

Area of research :

Cognitive Sciences and Psychology

Focus area :

Psychology, Public Health

Principal Investigator :

Dr. Kaiser Ahmad Dar, Govt. Degree College Baramulla, Jammu & Kashmir

Timeline Start Year :


Timeline End Year :


Contact info :


Executive Summary :

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread fear and uncertainty worldwide, particularly affecting the mental health of healthcare workers in India. This study aims to investigate the impact of stress on the mental health of 200 healthcare workers in Jammu and Kashmir using an explanatory sequential mixed method design. The study will use questionnaires and checklists to assess compassion fatigue and moral distress, and consider both salutogenic and pathogenic indicators. A moderated mediation model will be tested to examine the association between COVID-19-related stress and mental health. In the qualitative phase, a subsample of 10 participants will be selected based on their high scores on pandemic-related stress from each gender. Qualitative interviews will be analyzed sequentially to expand the understanding of quantitative findings. The findings will be discussed for practical application and areas for further research. The study aims to provide valuable insights into the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workers' mental health.

Total Budget (INR):


Organizations involved