Executive Summary : | Quantum fluids, including systems of bosons and fermions, are fascinating physics due to their anomalous properties and applications in nanoelectronics, sensors, quantum information processing, and bio-medical fields. The study of quantum many-body correlations between identical fermions and bosons has been neglected until the problems of strongly correlated electron systems were encountered. Not all fermion liquids conform to Landau's paradigm, leading to problems like high-temperature superconductivity, fractional quantum Hall effect, and strongly correlated one-dimensional (1D) electron systems. This work aims to investigate the structure and dynamics of strongly correlated coupled electron-hole (e-h) wire, providing significant new results on ground state properties, particularly exciton and biexcitons formation. The Tomanaga-Luttinger parameters for 1D quantum materials will also be obtained. The objective is to provide a benchmark study of quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulation and supplement simulation results with theoretical results using many body techniques. The exact QMC method will be used to investigate a gas of spin-imbalanced 1D fermions, exploring the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) physics. The study will compute the effect of disorder, excitation spectrum, spin and mass imbalance, and the breakdown of the Luttinger liquid paradigm. Open questions of mass, spin imbalance, and density inhomogeneity will be tested experimentally through optical lattice experiments. The objectives provide a clear strategy for progress and achieving stated aims in quantum fluids. |