
Chemical Sciences

Title :

Development of new small molecule fluorescent chemodosimeters: Toxic analytes detection and investigation of their enzymatic reactions

Area of research :

Chemical Sciences

Focus area :

Fluorescent Sensors

Principal Investigator :

Prof. Ajit Kumar Mahapatra, Indian Institute Of Engineering Science And Technology, West Bengal

Timeline Start Year :


Timeline End Year :


Contact info :


Executive Summary :

Fluorescent chemoreactants/chemodosimeters have gained significant attention in the scientific community due to their advantages over other methods for detecting and quantifying hazardous toxic analytes, such as Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs). These chemodosimeters offer heightened selectivity, sensitivity, and real-time applicability, helping us understand species participation in environmental and biological processes. This project proposal aims to develop fluorescent sensing molecules that exhibit selective and sensitive spectral responses to hazardous substances, such as CWAs, choking agents, phosgene, and organophosphorus nerve agents. The BF3-mediated sensing molecule will monitor biochemical transformations induced by endogenous enzymes. The goal is to develop simple fluorescent chemodosimeters with quick response times that can detect the presence of volatile chocking agents phosgene and organophosphate nerve agents, thereby enhancing national security systems and providing new tools for environmental and toxicology monitoring. These effective and cost-effective fluorescence sensing systems will be demonstrated as viable for safely managing hazardous analytes investigated.

Total Budget (INR):


Organizations involved