S&T Awards*
On 25th May 1998, the then Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, announced that 11th May would henceforth be celebrated as Technology Day. TDB instituted the National Award for the successful commercialization of Indigenous Technology to be awarded every year on the Technology Day. The objective is to forge powerful partnerships and proactively facilitate interactions and networking between Industry, National Laboratories, Academic Institutions, Scientists, Technocrats and Specialists, to gain entry into global market.
This category of award was introduced in 2001 for SSI (Small Scale Industry) Units, which has been renamed as MSME Award for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The Award (three in number) is given to MSMEs which has successfully commercialized a product based on Indigenous technology, within the last 5 yrs. It must have a proven track record in the market. It carries a cash award of Rs. 15 Lakh and a trophy.