Fellowships & Scholarships
This Scheme aims at recognizing and promoting quality education amongst Students with Disabilities (SwDs) by providing full financial support for pursuing studies at the level of Post Graduate Degree or Diploma in any discipline in premier higher educational institutes (like IIT, IIM, NIT etc.). The scheme is applicable in all institutions as notified by the concerned Department/ Ministry as institutions of excellence. The number of scholarships to be sanctioned every year is 160, distributed among all the States and Union Territories of India, as decided on the basis of percentage of population of PwDs respectively. 50% of the total scholarships each year would be reserved for female candidates.
Eligibility: The student must be an Indian citizen with not less than 40% disability (certified by competent medical authority) and who has been selected and got admission in any of the notified institutions for pursuing a full-time course at the level of Post Graduate Degree/Diploma. Also, the annual income of the student’s parents/guardian from all sources must not exceed Rs. 6 Lakh. The candidate must not be receiving any other scholarship under any scheme of the Govt. of India. The individual can be awarded only once. Not more than two disabled children of the same parents/ guardians are eligible, with the exception of the second/third children being twins.
Fellowship amount: The fellowship includes Reimbursement of tuition fees and non-refundable charges paid/ payable to the Institution up to Rs. 2 Lakh per annum plus Maintenance Allowance of Rs. 3000/- per month for hostellers while Rs. 1500/- per month for day-scholars. Special Allowances (related to types of disabilities like reader allowance, escort allowance, helper allowance etc.) of Rs. 2000/- per month, Books and Stationery grant of Rs. 5000/- per annum are also given. In addition, Rs. 30,000/- per awardee as a one-time grant for entire course is given for Reimbursement of expenses for purchase of computer with accessories and another Rs. 30,000/- toward Reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of Aids and Assistive Devices including necessary software related to the particular disability of the selected candidate.