Ministries & Departments
Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC) is an industrial unit of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India and is the only organization in India which caters to the fuel requirements of nuclear power reactors. NFC is the only organization in the world today to have a comprehensive manufacturing cycle from ore to core, involving processing of both Uranium & Zirconium streams under the same roof. NFC’s specialty lies in the manufacturing of nuclear fuel bundles for Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR), Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) and Fast breeder reactors; many reactor core components, various tubes, high purity special materials etc. It has developed state-of-art facilities and process technologies with several innovations in the field of nuclear fuel production and fabrication. The organization is thus playing a catalyst’s role in nation building. The complex also symbolizes the strong emphasis on self-reliance in the Indian Nuclear Power Program.