
Chemical Sciences

Title :

Development of Spiropyran Based Metal Complexes as Potent Drug Candidate for Effective Photodynamic and Photothermal Cancer Therapy

Area of research :

Chemical Sciences

Principal Investigator :

Dr. Bhawna Uttam, Ymca University Of Science & Technology

Timeline Start Year :


Timeline End Year :


Contact info :


Executive Summary :

Cancer is the one of the leading cause of death globally having 8.4 million deaths and around 14 million new cancer patients each year. In India, this year the cancer patients has been estimated around 13.9 lakhs and the reports predicts it will be increased to 15.9 lakhs by the end of 2025. The cancer threat in India is increasing rapidly so we need to address this challenge by developing and engineering new methodologies that are more effective and affordable. The emerging therapies for the treatment of cancer mainly includes gene therapy, immunotherapy, photodynamic and photothermal therapy and there is much more to explore and improve in these therapy by developing some new platforms. In case of photodynamic therapy (PDT), the photosensitizers are used for the treatment of malignant tissue resulted in the generation of toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) which cause the irreversible cellular damage. However, in case of photothermal therapy (PTT), PTT agents (shows strong absorption in NIR region) accumulated in tumour site interacts with the external lasers and produce heat to destroy the tumour.1-6 There are still major need for the enhancement of the effectiveness of both these therapy. Therefore, combined PTT/PDT therapy will be introduce much more advancement for the treatment of cancer. Light energy in phototherapy results in lowest side effects and least toxicity. Therefore, Near-infrared (NIR) light is the convinient light source due to its high tissue penetration ability. In this regard, the organic photothermal agents which can undergo the undergo reversible transformation between their isomers upon photoirradiation such as diarylethenes,7,8 spiropyrans,9-10 will be the able to fulfill the critical requirements for the photothermal therapy, strong absorption in NIR region, quick degradation after use, easy of synthesis and modification, nontoxic in the absence of photoirridation. Photochromic spiropyran (SP) molecule (non-fluorescent, closed ring) can undergo reversible isomerization such as light or heat to merocyanine (MC), a open ring fluorescent molecule and is of great interest for the various applications such as development of sensing, tracking, labelling devices with light.However the spiropyran derivatives and its metal complexes has not been explored as a drug candidate for the cancer cells PTT/PDT therapy. Objective 1, Design of the spiropyran based photo-switchable ligand Objective,2, Synthesis of Photoswitchable spiropyrane based Metal complexes, Objective 3, Characterization, Photoelectrochemical and Calorimetric Studies of Photoswitchable Coordination Complexes, Objective 4, Anticancer activity of the photoswitichable spiropyran derivatives due to som specific reasons, stimuli responsive either heat or light organic molecule, absorb light in NIR region and can be used for PTT therepy, high cytotoxicity of the metal complexes of spiropyran, high membrane permeability.


Dr. Amit Rajput Ymca University Of Science & Technology,Nh-2, Sector-6, Mathura Road,Haryana,Faridabad-121006

Total Budget (INR):


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