
Chemical Sciences

Title :

Greener process for the synthesis of perfumery chemicals alpha-Campholenic aldehyde and carveol at 1 Kg level in ~85% yield and >95% purity

Area of research :

Chemical Sciences

Focus area :

Chlor Alkali, Water & Marine Chemicals

Principal Investigator :

Dr Sukalyan Bhadra, Scientist, CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI), Bhavnagar

Timeline Start Year :


Timeline End Year :


Contact info :


Executive Summary :

Objective: To develop an environmentally benign and reusable catalyst systems (CSMCRI Cat 1 and CSMCRI Cat 2) for the synthesis of perfumery chemicals alpha-Campholenic aldehyde and Carveol; To develop an indigenous process for the synthesis of alfha-Campholenic aldehyde at 1kg level and Carveol at 500g level using CSMCRI Cat 1 and CSMCRI Cat 2 respectively in ~85% yield and >95% purity

Summary: The project describes the development and design of an indigenous process for the synthesis alpha-Campholenic aldehyde and Carveol -- two enormously important perfumery chemicals with high industrial significance. In general, the previous synthetic procedures for these chemicals require stoichiometric use of organic peroxy acids or hydroperoxides (e.g. MCPBA. TBHP) and Lewis or corrosive inorganic acids (AICI3,H2SO4 etc), which cause generation of significant amount of indsutrial wastes there by increasing the environmental hazards. We have developed a cost effective catalytic process that enabled the synthesis of alpha-Campholenic aldehyde and Carveol at 100 g level each by employing environmentally benign reagents and recyclable CSMCRI catalysts. Within the proposed time frame our efforts will be made in up-scaling the process u to 1Kg level for alpha-Campholenic aldehyde and up to 500 g level for Carveol.

Organizations involved