Engineering Sciences
Design, evaluation & analysis of meta-heuristic Algorithms for uncertainty management in integrated renewable energy system
Engineering of interfaces to destabilize pickering emulsions
Two-rate dynamic output feedback control in cyber-physical environment
Functionalization of red mud for simultaneous remediation of fluoride, arsenic & iron contaminants from water & utilization of waste sludge thereform in the development of glass-ceramic foam
Optimization of corrosion & wear properties in plasma sprayed Fe based metallic glass protective coating
Design of a framework to resist image-based adversarial attacks on deep learning models
Tuning heterogeneous nanostructures via strain-partition engineering for developing cobalt-free cost-effective eutectic high entropy alloys with outstanding strength-ductility synergy
Design of stone column-improved soft ground considering clogging effect based on long-term field study
Study of shocks & wakes in granular flows
A retinex inspired framework for intensity homogenization contrast upgradation & restoration of satellite & areal images